DVD-publication and an exhibition with 4 film-loops shown in the Film-museum situated at the Norwegian film-institute NFI in Oslo 2000.
4 images on photographic paper mounted on aluminum (110 x 165 cm) and 1 print on canvas ( 110 x 340 cm)
The exhibited prints were also the sleeve and the foldout of the DVD-cover. With the film-loops they were meant to reveal a continuous narrative throughout the project.
It was a bit of a shock to become a “DVD-publisher”. All of a sudden I had 1000 copies of something I had no idea how to distribute, to create interest for, and.. basically just how to get rid of.
I ended up giving away a few copies, then packing everything back into their boxes and putting all in storage.
In the 4 animated or processed film-projects on the DVD, I created soundtracks from samples of my own voice and instruments I don’t know how to play. This was a first for me.
In 1999 I spent the evenings of the summer and winter solstices along with the autumn and spring equinoxes, worshipping street-lights. Artificial sources of light, illuminating the darkness.
Again and again, ..disappointedly, departing to the right, out of the fixed camera’s frame.
To give an air of precision to the project, I filmed at locations on the geographic north, south, east and west side of Oslo for each solstice or equinox.
8mm film footage and some Betacam-tape. The title stems from trying to induce meaning, amongst others, into shadows filmed on the walls of the Ris Church and at the Riis Gallery in Oslo, which were part of this piece.
I specifically liked how the word stretched out in the repetition of it.
Fragmented, “coded”, messages projected onto a duplicate scenery of land, sea and sky.
This was a one-screen, “diptych” version, of The Sea project
( another version of this, with the music of Jøkleba, on this page )